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  • Writer's pictureMordy Oberstein

Outreach & Communication: Influencing Influential People

Semrush's own Eka Ebralidze joins the SEO Rant to discuss how to outreach to influential people and important stakeholders:

  • Why leveraging influencers in a shallow utilitarian way won't be effective

  • Why influencer marketing is really "relationship marketing"

  • How to actually communicate effectively with influential people

Best Communication Practices When Outreaching to Influencers: Episode Synopsis

Eka Ebralidze on the SEO Rant Podcast

There's a lot of "shallowness of thought" when discussing utilizing influencers as part of a marketing strategy. Often, the conversation makes it seem that the relationship between a brand and the influencers it engages with is entirely utilitarian. However, this is anything but the truth. Engaging with influencers is really about relationships. (Dare we call it "relationship marketing?"). The truth of the matter is, including influencers in your marketing process entails having a strong and personal connection with them. For influencer marketing to really be effective there has to be a strong connection between the point of contact on the brand side and the person of influence. They need to be able to work together on the basis of genuine belief in the product and in a way that mutually supports both of their interests. It's a give and take at a level beyond purely monetary concerns or similar quests for greater visibility and the like.




For more of the SEO Rant Podcast check out our previous episode on the need for greater diversity and inclusion in the SEO industry.


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